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--- HEAT ---

...What are 24 ways I can conserve heat?
1.) Go around to every door and window in your house with a lit candle to determine if they leak. If they leak, address them accordingly.

2.) Lower your thermostat.

3.) Only heat rooms you are using.

4.) Install a wood burning stove.

5.) Cover heat ducts with magnetic covers in the rooms you are not using.

6.) If your attic isn't insulated, insulate your attic.

7.) Have your heating ducts checked for leaks by a professional.

8.) If you are in the market for a new furnace, be sure you buy a high efficiency furnace.

9.) If your basement isn't insulated, insulate your basement.

10.) Install programmable thermostats.

11.) Add more zones to your heating system.

12.) Insulate the floor above your basement.

13.) Insulate any/all crawl spaces.

14.) Close doors to rooms you do not need heated at the moment.

15.) Open up your shades and draperies during sunny days in the winter.

16.) Lower the thermostat in your house when you go to bed.

17.) Keep the temperature of your hot water heater around 110 degrees.

18.) Lower your thermostat when not in the room.

19.) If you have a fireplace, make sure the damper is closed when not in use.

20.) If you heat with oil, be suire you maintain your oil furnace yearly. If you have gas, be sure you maintain your gas furnace every 2 years.

If you have a gas furnace, be sure you check the filters.

21.) Switch off your heat an hour or so before you need to leave the house.

22.) Think before you use heat. Then, when actually using heat, try to use less.

23.) Be sure all the joints between your heat ducts are taped.
When taping heat ducts, DO NOT use duct tape. Be sure you use foil tape. Be sure you use foil tape that is UL 181 approved.

24.) Be sure all your heat ducts are insulated.

...What exactly is a heat advisory?
A heat advisory is issued when the combination of heat and humidity is expected to make it feel like it is 95 to 99 degrees for two or more consecutive days, or 100 to 104 degrees for any length of time.

...What is the most expensive form of heat for a house or an apartment?
Electric heat is the most expensive form of heat for a house or an apartment.
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