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--- GARDENS ---

...What 2 things should I never do when watering my garden?
Never water your garden in direct sun.
Never water your garden in the middle of the day.

...Why should I never water my garden in direct sun?
2 Reasons:
1.) Each water droplet that sits on a plant's leaves will act like a magnifying glass and potentially burn the leaves of your plants in the sun.
2.) Because it is so hot from the sun, it forces the roots from the plants to head towards the surface for the water thus, weakening the plant's root system.

...Why should I never water my garden in the middle of the day?
2 Reasons:
1.) Typically, the middle of the day is the hottest part of the day so, the plants in your garden will be at their driest. By watering your garden in the middle of the day, much of the water will either evaporate or be absorbed by your plant's leaves before it makes it to your plant's roots. And two, you will force your plant's roots to try and move towards the surface to get water. Thus, weakening your plant's root base.
2.) Because it is so hot from the sun, it forces the roots from the plants to head towards the surface for the water thus, weakening the plant's root system.

...What is 1 thing I should never do when watering my garden?
Over water.

...Why is over watering my garden bad?
Over watering your garden could lead to fungal diseases.

...When is the best time to water my garden?
In the early morning.

...Why is the morning the best time to water my garden?
2 Reasons:
1.Your garden will be prepared to face the day's heat.
2.There will be less evaporation.

...Why should I never water my garden at night?
It will cause your garden to remain wet all night leading to potential diseases.

...Why is short watering times not good for my garden?
Short watering times will typically not penetrate deep enough to get to your shrub's roots. Your plant's roots will then try and move towards the surface to get the water. Thus, weakening your plant's root base.

...What is the best way to water my garden?
Using a soaker hose.

...Why is a soaker hose the best way to water my garden?
Because watering with a soaker hose is quite slow, you are sure to get water to your plant's roots.

...How do I know I'm watering my garden enough?
If you haven't watered your garden in a few days and you stick your fingers down into the dirt around the base of a few of the plants several inches and the dirt is fairly wet, you are watering your garden enough.

...How do I know if I am over watering my garden?
If you haven't watered your garden if a few days and you stick your fingers down into the dirt around the base of a few of the plants several inches and the dirt is quite wet, you are over watering your garden.
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