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...What are 21 ways I could conserve electricity?
--- When incandescent bulbs burn out, replace them with led bulbs.

--- Why constantly heat the water in your hot water tank?

Place a programmable switch next to your hot water heater. When done with the hot water, turn off the switch.

In some areas, this may be code.

--- Switch off your heat an hour or so before you need to leave the house.

--- Lessen the time you take taking a shower.

--- Keep the temperature of your hot water heater around 110 degrees.

--- Let your hair dry freely rather than using a hair dryer.

--- Wrap your hot water heater in an insulative blanket.

--- Use natural light as much as possible.

--- Cover pots and pans in kitchen when heating liquids.

--- Thaw frozen foods to almost room temperature before cooking.

--- Do not open the stove in the kitchen to check your food unless you absolutely have to.

--- When you're not going to use your computer for a ½ hour or more, turn it off.

--- When not using your computer for a short period of time, turn the monitor off.

--- When you're in the market for new appliances, be sure they are highly energy efficient.

--- When you can, hang your clothes outside to dry rather than using the dryer.

--- Turn off lights when not needed.

--- Think before you use electricity. Then, when actually using electricity, try to use less.

--- Use cold water as often as possible.

--- Wash your dishes by hand rather than using the dishwasher.

--- Limit you're a/c usage as much as possible.

--- If you have central a/c, raise the temperature to the highest temperature you could stand.
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