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Answers that are just plain smart.

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...What is one of the best topping chainsaws in the world?
One of the best topping chainsaws in the world is a Stihl 200T with a 16" bar.

...What is one of the best climber's chainsaw in the world?
One of the best climber's chainsaws in the world is a Stihl 200T with a 16" bar.

...What are 2 of the best chainsaw manufacturers in the world?
Two of the best chainsaw manufacturers in the world are Husqvarna and Stihl.

...What are 2 things I should always do when changing the chain on a chainsaw?
The 2 things you should always do when chainging the chain on a chainsaw are...

1.) Rotate the chainsaw bar 180 degrees when placing the new chain back on the chainsaw.
2.) Check the chainsaw bar's edges for any burs. If he bar has burs, be sure to file them before placing the new chain on the bar.

...What should I always do at least once a day with my chainsaw when using the chainsaw for the day?
Be sure you check to see that all the bolts and screws on the chainsaw are tight

...I ran out of chainsaw bar oil. Could I use motoroil instead of bar oil temporarily?
Yes, you could use motoroil instead of bar oil as lubrication on your chainsaw's chain and bar temporarily.

Selling Used:
...How can I determine an asking price for the chainsaw I would like to sell?
Look your chainsaw up in the completed listings on
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