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--- BUSINESS ---

...How can I generate a lot more business than I have now?
Generally speaking, place the sentence..."We will beat any price." in all your advertising.

And/or, offer to pay a commission (perhaps 5%) to anyone who has referred you work.

...What are 2 things I should always do to reward a customer who referred me to another customer that will help me to secure that customer for a long time?
Give that customer a call and thank them personally.
Send that customer a gift certificate to a store that fits that customer's personality.

...What is one of the best ways to reward a customer who referred me to another customer?
Send that customer a gift certificate to a store that fits the customer's personality.

...What are the 12 things that make a perfect business?
None of the 12 things listed below have been listed in any specific order.

The business has unlimited earning potential.

The business has the possibility of being run by others.

The business is non-weather dependent.

The business does not require you to work lots and lots of hours.

The business allows you to deal with educated employees.

The business is not location specific.

The business is only on the Internet.

The business allows you to be paid in full in advance.

The business is non-holiday specific.

The business is non-seasonal specific.

The business could possibly run itself.

The business could be run out of your house.

...What are the top 15 subject matters I absolutely must consider before starting a business?
How much money will the business require to start?
How much money will the business require to run daily, weekly, monthly, yearly?
Will I need investors to start this business?

Will I have to take a loan against my home to start this business?

Will I have 100% control over the business?

TIME: How much time will the business take to set it up?
How much time will the business take to run daily, weekly, monthly, yearly?

How long until I will be able to take a paycheck from the business?
Will I be able to survive the length of time it will take to receive a paycheck from the business?
How long until I will see a return on the money I invest into the business?
How big of a return can I expect to see based on the amount of money I invest into the business?
Does the business have potential of residual income?

How much work will be required to set the business up?
How much work will it take to run he business daily, weekly, monthly, yearly?

Does the business have the potential to be huge?

Can the economy have a severe effect on the business?

Does the business require knowledge outside of my expertise?

Will I be able to start this business within a reasonable distance from my home?

EDUCATION: Will I have to go back to school or learn a new trade to start this business?
If I have to go back to school or learn a new trade to start this business, do I really want to?

Do I really like the business?

GIVING UP: Do I really want to give up whatever it is I am doing now to start this business?

Am I really willing to make the sacrifice to start this business?

Could I run this business while maintaining my current job?

...How can I gain a tremendous amount of credibility for my business?
After every job you complete, ask the customer for a testimonial-in writing of course.

...How can I get thousands of dollars in work for $50.00?
Run a help wanted ad in your local newspaper or on advertising 5% commission for all jobs.
*Websites not hyperlinked are currently under construction.

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